أشهد أن لا اله الا الله و أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله
Side of the other wonders of the Qur'an is that it announces first
series of events that will happen in the future. Paragraph number 27 of Surat al-Fath for example, give glad tidings unto those who believe that they would conquer Mecca, which was then controlled by the pagans:
"Allah will prove to him about the truth Rosul dream by real (ie) that ye would enter the Haram, if Allah wills in a safe state, with a shaved head and cut it, are you not afraid. So God knows what you did not know, and he gave before a near victory. " (Qur'an, 48:27)
When we look closer, the verse is seen announcing the existence of another victory that will happen before the victory of Mecca. Indeed, as told in verse, the believers first conquered the fort of Khaybar, which was under Jewish control, and then entered Mecca.
News about these events will happen in the future is just one among many lessons contained in the Qur'an. It is also a testament to the fact that the Koran is the word of God, the knowledge of His infinite. The defeat of Byzantium is one of the news about future events, which is also accompanied by other information that could not possibly be known by the public at that time. The most interesting about this historic event, which will be featured more in the following pages, is that the Roman armies were defeated in the lowest region on earth. This is interesting because the "lowest point" specifically mentioned in the paragraph that contains this story. With the technology that existed at that time, it was impossible to perform measurements and determination of the lowest point on earth's surface. This is a message from God that revealed to mankind, He is the Knower.
Kini, relativitas waktu adalah fakta yang terbukti secara ilmiah. Hal ini telah diungkapkan melalui teori relativitas waktu Einstein
di tahun-tahun awal abad ke-20. Sebelumnya, manusia belumlah
mengetahui bahwa waktu adalah sebuah konsep yang relatif, dan waktu
dapat berubah tergantung keadaannya. Ilmuwan besar, Albert Einstein,
secara terbuka membuktikan fakta ini dengan teori relativitas. Ia
menjelaskan bahwa waktu ditentukan oleh massa dan kecepatan. Dalam
sejarah manusia, tak seorang pun mampu mengungkapkan fakta ini dengan
jelas sebelumnya. Tapi ada perkecualian; Al Qur'an telah berisi informasi tentang waktu yang bersifat relatif! Sejumlah ayat yang mengulas hal ini berbunyi:
"Dan mereka meminta kepadamu agar azab itu disegerakan, padahal Allah sekali-kali tidak akan menyalahi janji-Nya. Sesungguhnya sehari di sisi Tuhanmu adalah seperti seribu menurut perhitunganmu." (Al Qur'an, 22:47)
"Dia mengatur urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepada-Nya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu." (Al Qur'an, 32:5)
"Malaikat-malaikat dan Jibril naik (menghadap) kepada Tuhan dalam sehari yang kadarnya limapuluh ribu tahun." (Al Qur'an, 70:4)
Dalam sejumlah ayat disebutkan bahwa manusia merasakan waktu secara berbeda, dan bahwa terkadang manusia dapat merasakan waktu sangat singkat sebagai sesuatu yang lama:
the future of information exist in al quran
"Allah will prove to him about the truth Rosul dream by real (ie) that ye would enter the Haram, if Allah wills in a safe state, with a shaved head and cut it, are you not afraid. So God knows what you did not know, and he gave before a near victory. " (Qur'an, 48:27)
When we look closer, the verse is seen announcing the existence of another victory that will happen before the victory of Mecca. Indeed, as told in verse, the believers first conquered the fort of Khaybar, which was under Jewish control, and then entered Mecca.
News about these events will happen in the future is just one among many lessons contained in the Qur'an. It is also a testament to the fact that the Koran is the word of God, the knowledge of His infinite. The defeat of Byzantium is one of the news about future events, which is also accompanied by other information that could not possibly be known by the public at that time. The most interesting about this historic event, which will be featured more in the following pages, is that the Roman armies were defeated in the lowest region on earth. This is interesting because the "lowest point" specifically mentioned in the paragraph that contains this story. With the technology that existed at that time, it was impossible to perform measurements and determination of the lowest point on earth's surface. This is a message from God that revealed to mankind, He is the Knower.
reality of time in al quran
"Dan mereka meminta kepadamu agar azab itu disegerakan, padahal Allah sekali-kali tidak akan menyalahi janji-Nya. Sesungguhnya sehari di sisi Tuhanmu adalah seperti seribu menurut perhitunganmu." (Al Qur'an, 22:47)
"Dia mengatur urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepada-Nya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu." (Al Qur'an, 32:5)
"Malaikat-malaikat dan Jibril naik (menghadap) kepada Tuhan dalam sehari yang kadarnya limapuluh ribu tahun." (Al Qur'an, 70:4)
Dalam sejumlah ayat disebutkan bahwa manusia merasakan waktu secara berbeda, dan bahwa terkadang manusia dapat merasakan waktu sangat singkat sebagai sesuatu yang lama:
bertanya: 'Berapa tahunkah lamanya kamu tinggal di bumi?' Mereka
menjawab: 'Kami tinggal (di bumi) sehari atau setengah hari, maka
tanyakanlah kepada orang-orang yang menghitung.' Allah berfirman:
'Kamu tidak tinggal (di bumi) melainkan sebentar saja, kalau kamu
sesungguhnya mengetahui'." (Al Qur'an, 23:122-114)
bahwa relativitas waktu disebutkan dengan sangat jelas dalam Al
Qur'an, yang mulai diturunkan pada tahun 610 M, adalah bukti lain
bahwa Al Qur'an adalah Kitab Suci.
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